A public decision to follow Jesus


"When someone becomes a Christian they become a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and new life has begun!”

2 Corinthians 5:17

What is baptism?

Baptism illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, and demonstrates our willingness to share in the mission of Jesus. When we publicly declare our faith through the symbol of baptism, we’re telling the world that we’re, “all in!” Baptism gives your church community the opportunity to step in and support you as you pursue Jesus with your life!

Why should I get baptized?

One of the most exciting things that we get to do as a faith community is celebrate when somebody makes the decision to follow Jesus; that’s what this is all about! Baptism is an important step in one’s spiritual journey. While it’s in no way a statement of “perfection”, it is a public declaration of one’s intent to follow after Jesus closely for the rest of their life.

Baptism is an important step in making disciples. As disciples of Christ, we get to unashamedly proclaim our love for Jesus.

Frequently asked questions

There’s never a “perfect time” to get baptized, in fact, God calls us into obedience to declare our faith through baptism. So what are you waiting for?

At Trinity, we practice parent and child dedication! We believe that parents have the greatest influence on the spiritual trajectory of their kids’ lives. That’s a big job so we want you to know that you’re not alone. We love partnering with families to support, journey with, and cheer you on as you love and lead your kids in the way of Jesus. Part of the dedication process is an opportunity for us to recognize and celebrate your family in one of our Sunday services as you mark this intentional step together. As a faith community we also want to walk alongside you as you lead your family to follow Jesus. Simply put, parent and child dedication is parents making a promise to raise their children with Jesus as the foundation of their home as you seek to live and love like him. In turn, our community promises to partner with you in that desire. It’s a special and meaningful time for families and our faith community. If you’re interested in learning more about dedication, or want to sign up for the next one, check out our page here: https://www.trinitychurchkelowna.ca/kids/

Yes! Kids can be baptized at Trinity. Typically, kids start asking questions about baptism in Grades 4 or 5. Usually this happens because they have been participating in community life here through Trinity Kids and other avenues with their family! This does not mean that they are ready to be baptized or that they should be baptized, but it’s usually when we hear more interest because they’ve seen it happen in our faith community, or a different church. Baptism is the way to show and tell others publicly that you are promising to love and follow Jesus for the rest of your life. It’s not a way to secure salvation and it can’t earn someone a place in heaven. When it comes to deciding if they’re ready, it’s important that kids are able to, on their own apart from an adult, communicate what God, through His Son Jesus has done, and what that means for them and to them.

If your child is curious about baptism, here are some conversation tips!

  • Use simple, kid-friendly language and words they are already familiar with.
  • Ask lots of questions! This will help you gauge where your child is spiritually ready! Don’t immediately guide them to a correct answer, instead try more clarifying questions. You want to see what they are thinking, not tell them what to think.
  • Encourage their questions! You don’t need to have all the answers. If you don’t know, that’s okay! Don’t feel the pressure to make something up. Be honest and curious to discover the answer together. 

If you have questions, feel free to contact Jared Patterson, Pastor of Kids Ministry @ jpatterson@trinitykelowna.ca

In various churches, modes of baptism may vary from immersion, pouring, or sprinkling. The truth is that baptism is simply an act or symbol to demonstrate that we proclaim we have died to our old selves, and been resurrected through Christ as a new creation.

We practice baptism by immersion for one simple reason: the command by Jesus – to be baptized – was a command to immerse. Not only Jesus but his apostles also commanded immersion. From the original texts of the Bible the chosen word was baptízō, which means to submerge. In fact, the English word “baptize” is the transliteration of the Greek baptízō and has no other English use or meaning.

If you were baptized by any mode other than immersion as an adult believer, we would love to celebrate your decision to follow Christ and invite you to submit to his command by being baptized in the same way Christ modeled for us,  as an act of obedience to him.

Share your story

How has Jesus changed your life? We’d love to hear your story! When we share our stories and tell others about how God has been at work, we get to encourage others on their own journey. With your permission, we would love to share your story with our community!

Join us in Trinity Kids this Summer!

We’re looking to fill over 400 positions on our Sunday Summer Stuff teams and we need your help – commit to one Sunday or multiple! Join us in creating a positive impact for the next generation this summer!

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Take part in one the best weekend's of the year!

October 24 & October 31

Looking for your people? Jump in on Community Group Connect

2023 youth Retreat: november 10-12

The best weekend of
your student's year!

you're invited for baptisms, friends, & food on june 25th

Celebrate with us at Green Bay

Celebrate with us at Green Bay

Take the trinity church

Values Survey

We believe that God is doing great things at Trinity and we want to continue to move towards being the healthiest church we can be. Our goal will be to clarify the following questions:

1. What is our God-inspired mandate at Trinity (mission)?
2. What motivates us (values)?
3. Where are we going as a church (vision)?
4. What must we strategically focus on in the next few years?