Construction Team

Sometimes, physical grunt work is what is needed most. We’re always looking for skilled labourers and for people willing to build, sort, organize, and more! Whether you sign up as an individual or a family, we get to continue to build into our church as a community. Sign Up
Media Team

If you’re good with a camera or have a lean towards the digital world, we’re always looking for those with an eye for the behind-the-scenes. B-roll video capture, photography and social media are opportunities that are waiting for you! Sign Up
Clean Up Crew

Each Saturday, we’re looking for teams of volunteers to come from 9am-12pm and help lighten the load on our facilities team by preparing the campus for our Weekend Gatherings. Sign Up
Prayer Team

This is a role that primarily hosts and prays for those who approach our Response Stations looking for direction. You get to pray with our community and intercede for those looking for prayer. Sign Up
Community Group Leader

Guiding a group is easier than you think! It’s a place for great conversation and connection, and as a guide, you’ll receive mentorship and training on how to journey well with a group. Don’t let inexperience or doubt hold you back; discover how community done right can change your life! Sign Up
Kitchen Team

Higher Grounds, our kitchen service area of Trinity, operates on weekends and for special events throughout the week. There are always opportunities to come help prepare and serve the many that walk through our space with delicious food and snacks. Sign Up
Worship Team

As a Trinity Worship team, we have the opportunity to facilitate encounters between Heaven and Earth in the context of community. We’re always looking for passionate, worshipping musicians to help us lead all ages towards these life-changing moments. Sign Up
Coffee Team

If you like meeting and engaging with new people by making them feel seen through a free cup of coffee this team is for you! Sign Up
Live Production Team

The goal of the Production Team is to maximize engagement and minimize distraction. Think about a service without mics, lights, cameras or screens, and you’ll quickly realize the critical importance of technology. Our aim is to be excellent in our use of technology so that the message of Jesus is amplified while the tools (and […]
Parking Team

Being a part of the parking team is so much fun! It’s the best place to meet others and welcome our community to church while creating a safe place out in the lot. Try it out today and discover how it might just change your Sunday! Sign Up